quarta-feira, 9 de julho de 2014

The World Cup

        The World Cup is still happening here in Brazil, you probably know that, but now is everything different than then! Brazil has lost the last match to Germany, and the brazilian people are crazy, crying, burning our flag, and blaming the players!
       Since this thing of World Cup in Brazil has began, I NEVER AGREED, because I know the politicians, and I knew that they could steal us, and this is what happened! The works of some stadiums has finished on the last minute, a week before the games begin. And the total of money wasted on the stadiums was 22 billions (Real Brasileiro). For me, it's too much! On the other hand, the people was happy, enjoying, singing and celebrating "our" victory. Though, I CAN'T DO THIS, the hospitals are precarious, the educations isn't good, the people are indebted, how can I stay happy seeing these consequences of a bad government? I can't.
        The stadiums are in FIFA's pattern, but I want schools, education, hospitals, culture in FIFA's pattern! A normal brazilian can't watch a match at the stadium, do you know why? Because the ticket is equivalent to their salary. But now, Brazil has lost, and every one is seeing a part of the reality, are awakening to the reality! WAKE UP BRAZIL!

                              (Public Hospital)

1th Post- About Me

My name is Guilherme and I'm from Brazil, and with this blog I'd like to talk to every people in the world, my principal focus here is also improve my english, although, speaking with you! Brazil is a wonderful country, the people here are nice, we are different from every other nacionalities, I'm not saying that we are are better than you, I'm telling we are DIFFERENT. I'm 16, I love Brazil, though, I HATE the politicians, I HATE the corruption, I hate everything related to that stuff. Do you know why? Because the brazilian ctitizen work hard and doesn't see the "color" of their own money. But I know that I am different from the others. I don't wanna live this reality, I want the better for me, for my family and from those who I love. I have dreams, a lot of them, I wanna live abroad, know differents cultures, know the world, know new people. All of that dreams will become true, I'll give my best, and so, I'll be the best!
This is it, I hope you like and enjoy. Brazil isn't like you see in you TV, is so much different, and I'm done of this shit, and someday I'll move to a country better than here like Canada or USA (I LOVE THESE 2 CONTRIES *-*).  

Feel free to comment and show me your point of view, help me with my decisions